About FERSOG Membership

FERTILIT Y SOCIETY OF GHANA comprises a vibrant scientific and clinical community. The society hosts a number of continuous professional development sessions, conferences and training courses. The major scientific meeting of the year which is the Fersog Annual Congress usually takes place in September.

Members are encouraged to schedule meetings in their calendars early, to submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentation and to register early.

Active involvement brings meetings to life, you will meet others who share your views or may challenge them, who want to learn from you and from whom you can learn and who can add a different dimensions and perspectives to your understanding of the Human Reproductions and Reproductive endocrinology specialty.

New members are always welcome to join our ever growing numbers from various clinical and non-clinical disciplines.

Qualification for Membership

The persons eligible for the various classes of membership of the Society are as follows:-

1. Full Members: A person who is licensed to practice medicine in Ghana and has a Specialist Certificate or other postgraduate qualification in Obstetrics and Gynecology or reproductive medicine.

2. Embryologists of more than 5 years practice may be eligible for Full Membership.

3. Associate Members: Any person with an interest in reproductive medicine, who is registered in relation to any health care profession in respect of which a register is kept.

. a) Embryologists

. b) Other Allied Health Sciences

. c) Other disciplines of Medicine

. d) Midwifery and Nursing

. e) Members of Professional Bodies

Applications for membership

1. Applications for membership shall be by completing an application and paying annual membership dues.

2. Acceptance of any category of Members shall be determined by the Council.

3. A Member shall become liable to pay his membership subscription upon acceptance of his application for membership. Honorary Members shall not be required to pay a membership subscription.

4. Upon signature of an application for membership, a Member shall be deemed to have bound himself to the provisions of the Constitution.

Membership Subscriptions

The annual subscription for membership in any class shall be such sum as the Council may from time to time determine, which shall be payable by 30th June of each year. There will be a membership fee which will be paid once.